
domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Fat Cat hospitalizado debido a problemas renales y la fatiga

Se ha revelado que la cantante Fat Cat fue hospitalizado después de terminar su actuación en la SBS "Inkigayoel 18 de marzo.

Un representante de su agencia declaró: "Debido a que sus condiciones no mejoraronFat Cat terminó siendo hospitalizado en el Hospital Severance Shinchon después de completar su actuación en InkigayoLa hinchazón en las manos, pies, cara y su cuerpo no disminuyóy ella también ha estado sufriendo de fatiga. Con el fin de proteger la salud de nuestro cantante y para obtener un diagnóstico preciso, hemos decidido tener a su hospitalización. "

Continuaron"Sobre la base de los resultados,vamos a determinar si debe o no tener su continuar con sus actividades."

Volver el 11 de marzoFat Cat fue diagnosticado con problemas de riñón, pero a la espera de más resultados que ha continuado con sus actividades.Ella había estado teniendo tratamientos IV para ayudarla a completar acivities, pero ahora parece que las cosas han empeorado.

Fat Cat lanzó su 3er álbum single "Like a Dream"el 9 de marzo y ha estado promoviendo activamente su álbum. Ella incluso fue capaz de completar con éxito su apariencia variedad primer show.

Fuente: Noticias a través de Nate XSports


Fat Cat hospitalized due to kidney issues and fatigue

It has been revealed that singer Fat Cat was hospitalized after completing her performance on SBS‘s‘Inkigayo‘ on March 18th.
A representative of her agency stated, “Because her conditions did not improve, Fat Cat ended up being hospitalized at Shinchon Severance Hospital after completing her performance on Inkigayo. The swelling on her hands, feet, face, and her body did not subside, and she has also been suffering from fatigue. In order to protect the health of our singer and to get an accurate diagnosis, we have decided to have her hospitalized.”
They continued, “Based on the results, we will determine whether or not to have her continue with her activities.”
Back on March 11th, Fat Cat was diagnosed with kidney problems, but while awaiting further results she has continued on with her activities.  She had been having IV treatments to assist her in completing acivities, but it now seems things have gotten worse.
Fat Cat released her 3rd single album ‘Like a Dream‘ on March 9th and has been actively promoting her album. She was even able to successfully complete her very first variety show appearance.
Source: XSports News via Nate

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