Japonesa moda y cantante Kyary Pamyu Pamyu ha tweeted acerca de T-ara y su controversia. El 30 de julio, el cantante twitteó, "parias no son buenos. Muy bajo! Dicen los que son marginados tienen un problema también, pero eso es todo una mentira.
Los que hacen otros marginados son el 100%, 1000000000% malo! ¿Cuánto del atormentado debe estar sufriendo ... solo leer la noticia hace que mi corazón herido. " Y añadió: "Aunque no soy un grupo, así que no puede ser marginado, si yo fuera juntos todo el tiempo con un grupo? Creo que me gustaría dejar de fumar! No creo que me gustaría ir.
" La cantante también añadió su decepción en la T-ara diciendo: "A mí me gustaba de T-ara, pero ... realmente no me gusta esto y no puedo entender. Realmente no me gusta ". Más tarde se suprimió el último tweet acerca de T-ara.
Crédito de la foto: unBORDE
Japan’s Kyaryy Pamyu Pamyu Tweets Then Deletes About T-ara
apanese fashionista and singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has tweeted about T-ara and its controversy.
On July 30, the singer tweeted, “Outcasts are no good. Really low! They say the ones that are outcast have a problem too but that’s all a lie. The ones making others outcasts are 100%, 1000000000% bad! How much the tormented must be suffering… just reading the news makes my heart hurt.”
She added, “Though I’m not a group so I can’t be outcast, if I was together all the time with a group? I think I’d want to quit! I don’t think I would want to go.”
On July 30, the singer tweeted, “Outcasts are no good. Really low! They say the ones that are outcast have a problem too but that’s all a lie. The ones making others outcasts are 100%, 1000000000% bad! How much the tormented must be suffering… just reading the news makes my heart hurt.”
She added, “Though I’m not a group so I can’t be outcast, if I was together all the time with a group? I think I’d want to quit! I don’t think I would want to go.”
The singer also added her disappointment in T-ara saying, “I used to like T-ara but… I really don’t like this and I can’t understand. I really don’t like it.”
She later deleted the last tweet about T-ara.
Photo credit: unBORDE
She later deleted the last tweet about T-ara.
Photo credit: unBORDE
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